Thursday 14 April 2011

I'm modern man and I'm a drug addict

So firstly let's make it clear, this is posting to both my blogs, the personal one, and the blattle field. Subject your wondering! My holy grail: espresso, the true elixer of life. I'm drinking espresso right now, I'll be drinking espresso later and I'll be drinking espresso to the day I die! What I'm saying is: my name is Sam Porter and Im a caffeine adict. Espresso is nothing more than a drug. Like an addict I wake up and need it! I get grumpy when I don't get it, whilst working, I cannot function without it! That brings me to the point I'm trying to make: what's the difference between me and my caffeine, a smoker, an alcoholic an a drug addict? Nothing. They are the same thing. Drug addicts. I go further. Paracetamol, asprin even antibiotics, these are all drugs, that we in the modern world rely on. Yes they are benficial, but with the apprarence of superbugs resistant to our modern day magic, perhaps we are becoming too chemically dependent. Our quest to prolongue our lives, is perhaps in fact our demise.

So, now iv called most of the planets population, drug addicts, and condemed the human rac to extinction through our overuse of drugs and chemicals, surely your expecting me to suggest a solution? Well I will, buts it's not what you would expect. I propose that we embrace our drug filled lives and get on with it, sure we could doom humanity, but if you've learnt anything from my previous thoughts, we're doomed already. Go fourth and abuse substances of a mind spinning variety. Cease the moment and live whilst you've got the oppirtunity!

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