Randomness is a wonderful thing, it's a beautiful thing as well, and I mean beautiful in an American Beauty sense, the sense that something can be both destructive and ultimately bad, but ultimately beautiful as well. Randomness is said to work in all sorts of ways that out mind cannot even imagine, but randomness, I believe is crucially something that we fear. Worlds have fallen to there needs through the presence of randomness, stock markets don't like it, computers don't like it, human being do not like it, nature does not like it! Or so we are lead to believe. We desperately search for pattern in everything, nature, numbers, time itself. If time were random, who knows where would be. If there were not patterns of predictability in the world, we would be as screwed as Paris Hilton at a handycam festival. Summary: random is bad.
But if we take a simple yet perverse example of meeting random stranger on the Internet, in chat rooms, whilst your out and about, it's exciting. Not knowing the next step, is for some a very horrible prospect! But think about those momenta you were indeed uncertain, you may have been scared and unsure, but it was exciting wasn't it. Much like leaving home without your phone, it feels risky and dangerous. This us fun. Whilst I have no intention of living my own life just making random choices as I go along, I still enjoy those moments in life when you don know what to do. Why fear it? What's the point of living if you can't feel alive? Like many subject I blog about, this involves getting over one more obstacle that holds us back and stops is living life to the degree it should be lived. So go fourth and be random! It's bloody good fun!
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