In my mind I would like to open here with a nice quote that beautifully symbolised the meaning of this post, unfortunately I can’t be bothered to find one. I’m writing this now because I should be doing something else, something that really isn’t any fun. So here we are now, me and you…whoever you are. The inspiration for this comes from something that I watched the other day, something that was so bad I have no interest in alluding to what it was, as they any publicity is good publicity, so I’m not telling you. What I will tell you is this is about the weather.
Yes that’s right it’s about the weather. The default topic of conversation for any civilised human being. What is perhaps worth comment though, is how often we actually take note of the weather. Yesterday was May 21st and according some Norman, or Mormon, or…religious moron, the world was going to end. I can confirm the world did not end. According to retard Jesus as he shall now be known, earthquakes were supposed to sweep across the planet and syphilis was to infect the planet…or something like that anyway. As I mentioned, I can confirm I don’t have syphilis. I digress. The weather. Right now it’s really quite blustery, with showers and broken cloud…its fucked up is what I’m trying to say. Even though the weather is often discussed, forecasts and such, how often do we really appreciate how damn cool the weather and the climate and such really are, they’re really cool (no pun intended). So next time you look up to see if it’s going to rain, appreciate how amazing it is. By the way if you don’t get why the weather is just an amazing thing, id suggest you go watch American Beauty or some shit like that, because if you can’t appreciate how awesome the weather is, you’re simply just not human.